Tuesday to Sunday
11 AM - 5 PM

Delinking and Relinking

A multi-sensory tour through the collection. An experience for all your senses

Photo: Bram Saeys

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Delinking and Relinking the collection

Get to know the museum and its art collection through the exhibition Delinking and Relinking. In this accessible but challenging introduction to the museum and its collection, students discover surprising connections and unexpected detours.

In conversation

How do you experience art and the world around you? What do you think about when visiting a museum? This interactive tour appeals to the imagination: through various senses and from different perspectives, students gain new insights. They reflect on them, discuss their findings with the (museum) teacher, and of course talk about it with each other.

Guided tour and lesson series

This guided tour includes three lessons: before, during and after the museum visit. Want to dive deeper into a topic after the lessons and visit? No problem with the additional lesson material and assignments.

Practical information

  • Who: lower and upper grades secondary education (vmbo, havo, vwo and mbo)
  • What: classroom materials (preparatory, discussion guides and in-depth information) and a visit to the Van Abbemuseum
  • Duration: 2 lesson hours and a museum visit of 1.5 hours
  • Costs: € 75 per group (maximum 15 people per group). Possible to pay via a Cultuurkaart web order, please enter the school number and cardholder name in your booking.
  • Please reserve at least three weeks in advance.

Contact and reservations

You can book directly online via the button on this page and note your comments or preferences in your reservation. Booking by e-mail is no longer possible. Do you have any other questions? Please contact