Tuesday to Sunday
11 AM - 5 PM

Looking out loud (group 5-8)

Explore the museum together!

Photo: Boudewijn Bollmann

Make a reservation

For students in the higher grades of primary school, we offer the Looking out loud lesson program in collaboration with CKE.

During the Looking out loud lessons, students actively engage with artworks and the museum. Practical assignments encourage them to react directly to what they see. They go on a discovery tour of the museum while at the same time putting into words what they see and experience. Because experiencing art is valuable, but a shared experience of art is more valuable.

  • Who: upper level of primary school, group 5-8.
  • What: an active lesson led by a museum teacher.
  • Group size: maximum of 15 students, with at least two supervisors.
  • These lessons are free for schools from Eindhoven, Geldrop, Nuenen, Son en Breugel, Veldhoven, and Waalre, including bus transportation to and from the museum. Please make a reservation via this link.
  • Cost: € 97,50 per group for schools outside the region.
  • Reserve at least three weeks in advance.

Extra options

School art projects and theme weeks turn into extra special events with a visit to the Van Abbemuseum. We are happy to brainstorm tailored possibilities and can help with any preparations. Email our education department for more information via


Questions about the Looking out loud museum lessons? Want to discuss special wishes or possibilities? Please contact our museum teacher Annebel Kuperus via

Our museum lessons are made possible in part by the Municipality of Eindhoven, the Center for the Arts Eindhoven (CKE), and Kupers Touringcars.