Tuesday to Sunday
11 AM - 5 PM

Lorem Ipsum

Embassy of Inclusive Society

How do we hold space for the different needs of different bodies? 

Lorem ipsum is a placeholder. It comes from Latin and designers use it as a temporary text in the design process. 

This installation visualises guidelines and advice for inclusive presentations. ‘Lorem Ipsum’ is an invitation to visitors, designers and cultural institutions. To think about how to include diverse bodily experiences by way of design.

Accessibility is about learning to design for everybody. This is a process: it means making choices while knowing there is always room for improvement.

About the makers

'Lorem Ipsum' is initiated by Shay Raviv and results from the Embassy team's research into accessibility and inclusivity. The concept and content were created in collaboration with Marleen Hartjes. The installation was designed by The Anderen (Karin Fischnaller) and realised by Bruns. 'Lorem Ipsum' builds on previous research into inclusivity conducted at Van Abbemuseum from 2015 to 2022. In ‘The Multi-Sensory Museum’, a broad team worked towards a more accessible museum.

Lorem IpsumPhoto: Almicheal Fraay

Overview guidelines
