Tuesday to Sunday
11 AM - 5 PM

Who owns the economy?

Event Positions #7: Everything worthwhile is done with other people

May 24, 2023 from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM

Van Abbemuseum

Jatiwangi art Factory, The Shape of Sound, 2022

Can we create local economies that promote the well-being of all life and protect our planet?

In a time where criticism of the current economic system is growing and the call for an alternative economy with different rules is getting louder, it may be time to take action ourselves. But who has the right to judge?

In this workshop members of Jatiwangi Art Factory (JaF) will discuss their work in the exhibition: Everything worthwhile is done with other people we will learn more about the practices of this decentralized artistic community. Can we, just as JaF, establish a local economic practice in harmony with the physical environment?

The workshop is open to all, but aimed at artists, designers and cultiural producers interested in the economy of their practice. The workshop will be in English.

This workshop is a collaboration between Future of Work, Van Abbemuseum, Jatiwangi Art Factory and Avans University of Applied Sciences. It serves as a prelude to the festival Future of Work.

1.30 pm - Meet in the entrance of the Old Building

Make a reservation