Tuesday to Sunday
11 AM - 5 PM

Anton Voyls Fortgang / A Void

Anton Voyls Fortgang / A Void

Evers, E
Holzhey, M
Stemmrich, G
Cerizza, L
Brugerolle, M de

Evers, E
Holzhey, M
Stemmrich, G
Cerizza, L
Brugerolle, M de

Chopin, Henri
Cointet, Guy de
Horwitz, Channa
Perec, George
Boek; 135 p ill
Met lijst werken. - Met biografie
Located in: CHOPIN, HENRI
VUBIS: 2:89575


Tent. Düsseldorf, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, 16-05-2013, 30-06-2013 ; Berlijn, Kunstsaele Berlin, 07-07-2013, 24-08-2013. - Tentoonstelling toont drie kunstenaars die het gelijknamige werk (oorspronkelijk verschenen als 'La Disparition') van de Franse schrijver George Perec als uitgangspunt en inspiratiebron van hun werk gebruiken. Centraal staat steeds het onderzoek naar de betekenislagen van taal en teken door middel van zelf opgelegde formele structuren en systemen. - Pe­rec's work was a ma­jor sour­ce of in­spi­ra­ti­on and point of re­fe­rence for nu­me­rous con­tem­pora­ry con­cept ar­tists. In ac­cor­dance wi­th the aims of the Ou­Li­Po group Pe­rec sought to ex­pand the po­ten­ti­als of lan­gua­ge by me­ans of self-im­po­sed for­mal cons­traints-a me­thod that is si­mi­lar­ly bin­ding for the oeu­vre of the three ar­tists who­se works are being shown to­ge­ther for the first ti­me in this ex­hi­bi­ti­on. Hen­ri Chopin (1922-2008), Guy de Co­in­tet (1934-1983) and Ch­an­na Hor­witz (1932-2013) be­gan de­ve­lo­ping their works in the ni­n­e­teen six­ties. In art, the fo­cus was pla­ced in par­ti­cu­lar on the con­cep­tu­al sys­te­ma­tic dea­ling wi­th the ba­sic pa­ra­me­ters of our ex­pe­ri­ence: ti­me, space, lan­gua­ge and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on. Each in their own way the three artists de­di­ca­ted them­sel­ves to ana­ly­zing sys­tems of mea­ning and wor­king out their ru­les-ba­sed con­nec­tions, trans­for­ming or re­inven­ting them in the pro­cess. Ch­an­na Hor­witz's drawings are in­deb­ted to the aest­he­tics of no­ta­ti­on, the clo­se link bet­ween idea, pro­cess and work. Wi­th the help of a set of ru­les she crea­tes com­plex struc­tu­res who­se vi­b­ra­ting pic­to­ri­al struc­tu­re masks their un­der­ly­ing lo­gic. Chopin sli­des the ima­ge­ry of the ty­ped cha­rac­ters over their se­man­tic con­texts whi­le Guy de Co­in­tet con­ce­als mea­ning in coded signs and li­nes