Anton Voyls Fortgang / A Void
Tent. Düsseldorf, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, 16-05-2013, 30-06-2013 ; Berlijn, Kunstsaele Berlin, 07-07-2013, 24-08-2013. - Tentoonstelling toont drie kunstenaars die het gelijknamige werk (oorspronkelijk verschenen als 'La Disparition') van de Franse schrijver George Perec als uitgangspunt en inspiratiebron van hun werk gebruiken. Centraal staat steeds het onderzoek naar de betekenislagen van taal en teken door middel van zelf opgelegde formele structuren en systemen. - Perec's work was a major source of inspiration and point of reference for numerous contemporary concept artists. In accordance with the aims of the OuLiPo group Perec sought to expand the potentials of language by means of self-imposed formal constraints-a method that is similarly binding for the oeuvre of the three artists whose works are being shown together for the first time in this exhibition. Henri Chopin (1922-2008), Guy de Cointet (1934-1983) and Channa Horwitz (1932-2013) began developing their works in the nineteen sixties. In art, the focus was placed in particular on the conceptual systematic dealing with the basic parameters of our experience: time, space, language and communication. Each in their own way the three artists dedicated themselves to analyzing systems of meaning and working out their rules-based connections, transforming or reinventing them in the process. Channa Horwitz's drawings are indebted to the aesthetics of notation, the close link between idea, process and work. With the help of a set of rules she creates complex structures whose vibrating pictorial structure masks their underlying logic. Chopin slides the imagery of the typed characters over their semantic contexts while Guy de Cointet conceals meaning in coded signs and lines