Chto Delat?
Tent. Bolzano, Kunstverein of Bolzano, ar/ge kunst, 27-11-2010, 22-01-20111. - Publicatie toont een overzicht van het werk van het Russische collectief van kunstenaars, schrijvers en filosofen uit Petersburg Chto Delat. - Coll. VAM: Chto Delat, Builders, 2005, ... p. ill. kleur ; Perestroika-Songspiel. The Victory over the Coup, ... p. ill. kleur ; Partisan Songspiel. A Belgrade Story, ... p. ill. kleur ; The Tower. A Songspiel, ... p. ill. kleur. - Composed of various individuals - artists, critics, philosophers and writers - the St. Petersburg art collective Chto delat? is conceived by its members as a polyhedral platform for cultural and political reflection, halfway between activism and artistic production. With a critical yet practical orientation and by drawing inspiration from the didactic theatre of Bertolt Brecht, the work of Chto delat? attempts to stimulate individual responsibility within the spectator by creating a space for the incitement and reasoning of social change by means of the use of satirical devices similar to the dimensions of the grotesque and the parody. In an innovative way, Chto delat? elaborates on the political tradition of reflecting the relation between praxis and theory - a typical theoretical approach of the European left. Thus, Chto delat? operates inside an artistically hybrid territory, promoting the collective values of a new form of social aggregation under the sign of civil progressivism. Chto Delat?, Perestroika Songspiel, video, 2008 For their first show in Italy, Chto delat? will present a trilogy of works composed within the last two years and focused predominantly on Russian society in the post-Perestroika era. This era has been characterised by the political and civil crisis of the surrounding social structures, which disintegrated due to the pressure from emergent bureaucratic and ideological structures of the authoritarian new capitalist order which is still dominating the entire country