Tuesday to Sunday
11 AM - 5 PM

Containing Content

Containing Content

Hartog Jager, H den
Staal, G
Reinewald, C

Hartog Jager, H den
Staal, G
Reinewald, C

Bakker, Aldo
Kluis; 64 p. ; + 5 bijl ill
Met biografie. - Met 5 losse foto's. -
Located in: BAKKER, ALDO
VUBIS: 2:97971


Tent. Amsterdam, Looiersgracht 60, 27-06-2015, 26-07-2015. - Publicatie toont objecten van de Nederlandse ontwerper Aldo Bakker (Amersfoort 1971). - Rather than fitting neatly within disciplinary boundaries, Bakker's sculptural objects straddle the borders between art, design and architecture. Over the past 20 years, Bakker, the son of Dutch designers Gijs Bakker and Emmy van Leersum, has built up an oeuvre consisting of everyday domestic objects such as jugs, stools, tables and cutlery. Amongst the array of domestic objects that he has designed, his oeuvre shows a clear preference for stools and jugs. This exhibition is specifically and purposefully designed to display just one type of object: the jug. The five objects presented are Pivot, Pipe, Soy Pourer, Pot and Square Pourer, three of which will be shown for the first time during the exhibition