Control Magazine, No. 06

Kunstenaarstijdschrift van Stephen Willats (Londen 17-08-1943) diende als forum voor kunstenaars om hun beroepspraktijk te bediscussiëren als middel voor de vooruitgang van hun opvattingen: statements over kunst en maatschappij. - The contributors to previous issues ? have mainly been speculative and concerned with conceptual models, these have centered around the evolution and articulation at a general level of a stance concerning the artist's relation and operation of notions of control, structuring of behaviour, and as an instigator and operator of cognition?..since the last issue appeared there has been a growing number of simulation works, behavioural situations, learning systems, and projects that involve casual audiences being built and adopted. Contributors: Stroud Cornock, 'Towards a General Systems Model of the Artistic Process' ; Jan Kopinski, 'Artists and Functional Process' ; Stephen Willats, 'Man From the Twenty-first Century', 'Cognition and Control Project', 'Cognition and Control', 'Visual Meta Language Simulation' ; John Sharkey, 'Inside the Innersphere' ; Andy McKay, 'Preliminary or: If I Stand in a Circle with Myself Where do My Ends Meet' ; Ernest Edmonds, 'Communications Game' ; George Mallen, 'An Approach to the Concept of an 'Art System'' ; Jack Shotbolt, 'Behavioural Maze Project No. 1' ; David Budgen, 'Dissemobile'