Control Magazine, No. 07

Kunstenaarstijdschrift van Stephen Willats (Londen 17-08-1943) diende als forum voor kunstenaars om hun beroepspraktijk te bediscussiëren als middel voor de vooruitgang van hun opvattingen: statements over kunst en maatschappij. - Implicit in any coherent standpoint is an articulated foundation, which if it is to be useful as a prescription needs to be rigorously investigated and defined. The needs to further such an investigation has played a large part in influencing the selection of contributions to this issue, ? which are seen as providing an area of discourse, analysis and methodological direction in areas where there has been little consideration on the part of the artist previously. Contributors: Kevin Lole, 'Art and its Behaviourism' ; Peter Smith, 'Behaviourism as an Hermenuetic of Art (A Pragmatic Variant)' ; Stephen Willats, 'Concern of the Centre for Behavioural Art', 'Social Model Construction Project', Prescriptions for Task Orientated Methodologies in Constructing Operational Models of Art Practice', 'West London Social Resource Project' ; Howard O'Conner, 'Some Correlations Between the Behavioural Artist and Verbal Learning Models' ; John Stezaker, 'Two Instances of Institutional Determinacy of Art'