Tuesday to Sunday
11 AM - 5 PM

Cubism and War

Cubism and War

Green, C
Cox, N

Green, C
Cox, N

Braque, Georges
Boek; 182 p ill
Met lijst werken. - Met bio- en bibliografie
Located in: KUBISME
VUBIS: 2:99757


Tent. Barcelona, Fundació Museu Picasso de Barcelona, 20-102016, 29-01-2017. - Coll. VAM: Braque, Georges, Nature morte au guéridon, 1918, p. 139 ill. kleur. - This exhibition explores the work of artists who refused to accept that recording the war or producing propaganda was their duty and attempted to keep alive the expanded possibilities opened up for the arts of painting and sculpture by what was called Cubism in Paris in 1911-14. The majority of young Frenchmen were mobilized, so those artists left behind in Paris were either foreign or too old or unfit for combat: Pablo Picasso, alongside his fellow Spaniards Juan Gris and María Blanchard, the Mexican Diego Rivera, the Italian Gino Severini, and the Lithuanian sculptor Jacques Lipchitz, the French sculptor Henri Laurens and painter Henri Matisse. Fernand Léger and Georges Braque, who went to the front and had very different artistic responses to the conflict, are also included in this exhibition.