Tuesday to Sunday
11 AM - 5 PM

Elisabetta Benassi : M'Fumu

Elisabetta Benassi : M'Fumu

Twain, M

Twain, M

Benassi, Elisabetta
Kluis; 52 p. ; + bijl ill
Kunstenaarsboek. - Omslagtitel: Mark Twain : Kings Leopold's Soliloquy. - Oorspronkelijke uitgave: Boston : The P.R. Warren Co., 1905. - Oplage: 500
VUBIS: 2:100506


Tent. Personne et les Autres: Vincent Meessen and guests, Venetië, La Biennale di Venezia, 09-05-2015, 22-11-2015. - Kunstenaarsboek in de vorm van een reprint met losbladig commentaar van een politieke satire van de Amerikaanse schrijver Mark Twain over de heerschappij van de Belgische koning Leopold over de vrijstaat Congo als onderdeel van de installatie en performance bij de Biënnale van Venetië door de kunstenares Elisabetta Benassi. - This artist's book by Elisabetta Benassi is a faithful reproduction of an original pamphlet by Mark Twain. Throws down pamphlets which he has been reading. Excitedly combs his flowing spread of whiskers with his fingers; pounds the table with his fists; lets off brisk volleys of unsanctified language at brief intervals, repentantly drooping his head, between volleys, and kissing Louis XI crucifix hanging from his neck, accompanying the kisses with mumbled apologies; presently rises, flushed and perspiring, and walks the floor, gesticulating.(King Leopold's Soliloquy, incipit). King Leopold Soliloquy is originally a work of political satire about King Leopold's rule over the Congo Free State — a monologue in which Leopold speaks in his own defense. The artist's book, which also includes miscellaneous attachments collected by the artist, is part of the work M'FUMU, an installation and performance based on the figure of M'Fumu Paul Panda Farnana (1888-1930), Congolese intellectual and activist, whose thoughts and actions marked the relations between Belgium and the Congo in the period between the two world wars