Tuesday to Sunday
11 AM - 5 PM



Steeds, L
Esche, C
Filipovic, E
Barry, J
Gilardi, P

Steeds, L
Esche, C
Filipovic, E
Barry, J
Gilardi, P

Oiticica, Hélio
Buren, Daniel
Parreno, Philippe
Richter, Gerhard
Gilardi, Piero
Boek; 238 p ill
Serie: Documents of Contemporary Art. - Met bibliografie
VUBIS: 2:97991


Anthologie met teksten over hedendaagse tentoonstellinginrichting, de rol van curatoren en kunstenaars met suggesties en strategieën voor de toekomstige praktijk. Bevat tevens een tekst van Charles Esche over de Gwangju Biënnale. - This anthology provides a multivocal critique of the exhibition of contemporary art, bringing together the writings of artists, curators, and theorists. Collectively these diverse perspectives are united by the notion that although the focus for modernist discussion was individual works of art, it is the exhibition that is the prime cultural carrier of contemporaneity. The texts encompass exhibition design and form; exhibitions that are object-based, live, or discursive; projects that no longer rely on a physical space to be visited in person; artists' responses to being curated and their reflections on the potential of acting curatorially. Set against the rise of the curator as an influential force in the contemporary art world, this volume underlines the crucial role of artists in questioning and shaping the phenomenon of the exhibition