Tuesday to Sunday
11 AM - 5 PM

Experimental Aesthetics

Experimental Aesthetics

Slager, H
Groys, B
Martinez, C
Emoe, C

Slager, H
Groys, B
Martinez, C
Emoe, C

Kopelman, Irene
Brummelen, Lonnie van
Haan, Siebren de
Boek; 48 p ill
VUBIS: 2:94273


Met bijdragen van de kunstenaars Irene Kopelman, Lonnie van Brummelen & Siebren de Haan. - For over a decade now, the debate on art has been dominated by the rhetoric of artistic research. However, does the concept of artistic research still express its originally radical and experimental power today? The concept seems to have become hackneyed and obscured by method fever and academic jargon. Perhaps the time has come to invigorate its conceptual framework - for example through terminology referring to its companion in art, namely philosophy's branch of aesthetics. Could experimental and speculative processes of thought again be leading in aesthetic debates and contemporary art? These are the issues that come to the fore in this publication through a series of projects, views, and perspectives connected to the project Aesthetic Jam - part of the 9th Tapei Biennial.