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Gray magazine

Gray magazine

Gerrit Rietveld Academie

Gerrit Rietveld Academie

Kleine tijdschriften; 68 ill
In: Gray Magazine : -, No. 3, 2007, 68
VUBIS: 2:102170


Het blad van de Gerrit Rietveld Academie met een speciaal thema: onderzoek. - In this issue of GRAy Magazine you will find some answers and some examples. In general you could say that research is just an extra tool to produce works of art, another way of being curious about the world. Doing research in art does not only mean working in an experimental way along the lines of more scientific research, it can also imply using existing methods and results of scientific disciplines to enrich the work of art with more facets. Instead of intently staring into your inner self, or exploiting once again the pictures of a boring childhood, you can explore the riches of philosophy, sociology, anthropology, the natural sciences etc. All the results and ideas of these dis- ciplines are freely available in libraries and on the web and offer an enormous amount of material that is just as suitable to use as paint or existing photographic images. But, just as with paint or photography, you first have to learn how to use before you can do it in your own way.