Tuesday to Sunday
11 AM - 5 PM

Iain Baxter & Works 1958-2011

Iain Baxter & Works 1958-2011

Moos, D
Alberro, A
Darling, M

Moos, D
Alberro, A
Darling, M

Baxter, Iain
Boek; 220 p ill
Met lijst werken. - Met bio- en bibliografie
Located in: BAXTER, IAIN
VUBIS: 2:88105


Tent. Chicago, Museum of Contemporary Art, 00-11-2011 ; Toronto, Art Gallery of Ontario, 03-03-2012, 12-08-2012. - Monografie toont een overzicht (o.a. installaties) het werk van de Britse kunstenaar Iain Baxter (Middlesbrough 16-11-1936). - Iain Baxter legally changed his name to IAIN BAXTER& in 2005. He appended an ampersand to his name to underscore that art is about connectivity - about contingency and collaboration with a viewer. He also effected the name change to perpetuate a strategy of self re-definition that is central to his creative project. BAXTER& began making art in the late-1950s under his birth name but quickly realized that the name itself was creative material, to be deployed, manipulated, and shared. In 1965, he formed a collaborative art-making entity which evolved into N. E. Thing Company, a corporate-styled entity whose co-presidents were BAXTER& and his wife Ingrid. Producing a diverse array of projects that encompassed conceptually based photography, pioneering works of appropriation art, and gallery transforming installations, the N. E. Thing Company offered a new model of art making, allowing the artists to remain anonymous and masquerade in the guise of business people. Following the dissolution of N.E. Thing Company in 1978, BAXTER& produced extensive bodies of work with Polaroid film, created numerous installations that blended painting and sculpture, and made pedagogy a focus of his creative enterprise. Consistent themes permeate his work and vector through his thinking. And by assessing these themes - a relentless emphasis on reaching out to the viewer, a core concern with ecology and the environment, and a belief that art must assume plural means and media - one discerns BAXTER&'s creative credo, understanding that "art is all over." This comprehensive book reviews BAXTER&'s remarkable career across all media