Imaginary Accord
Tent. Brisbane, Institute of Modern Art (IMA), 11-04-2015, 11-07-2015. - Publicatie ter gelegenheid van het 40-jarig bestaan van de gelijknamige instelling onderzoekt en documenteert de mogelijkheden van kunstinstellingen en het museumbeleid. - Bevat tevens een essay van Charles Esche over het museumbeleid in het Van Abbemuseum tijdens zijn directoraat. - To mark our fortieth anniversary, the IMA is currently embarking on a year-long project, Imaginary Accord, which explores this institution’s historical mission, while imagining what it could mean today and for the future, through an exhibition, a lecture series, a symposium, and a publication. The title suggests that the connection between each artwork, idea, and participant lies initially in the imagination of the curator and artists and finds new form in the minds of audiences. This proposition is extended through the symposium and lecture series. Is an art institution only an imagined state—a temporary constellation of agreements, negotiations and arrangements—or is it something more fixed? Featuring artworks and contributions by fifteen Australian and international artists and groups, the Imaginary Accord exhibition will grow and change over the course of three months.