Lidwien van de Ven
Tent. Melanchotopia, Rotterdam, Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art, 03-09-2011, 27-11-2011. - Kunstenaarsboek van de Nederlandse kunstenares Lidwien van de Ven waarin zij de ontwikkelingen in de multiculturele stad Rotterdam na de moord op Pim Fortuyn en Theo van Gogh onderzocht . - The latest photographer commissioned by the Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art to document Rotterdam is Lidwien van de Ven (born 1963). An artist who works in a realm parallel to photojournalism, Van de Ven chose to reverse the city-specific mandate of the project and portray Rotterdam as a microcosm of global developments at the intersection of politics and religion. Her photographs show how the visible and invisible are continually mediated by political forces