Tuesday to Sunday
11 AM - 5 PM

Lina Selander

Lina Selander

Noring, A
Essling, L
West, K

Noring, A
Essling, L
West, K

Selander, Lina
Boek; 157 p ill
Met lijst werken. - Met bio- en bibliografie
Located in: SELANDER, LINA
VUBIS: 2:97699


Tent. Venetië, La Biennale di Venezia, Arsenale, 09-05-2015, 22-011-2015 ; Stockholm, Moderna Museet, 14-11-2015, 28-02-2016. - De Zweedse bijdrage aan de 56e Biënnale van Venetië toont films en installaties van de Zweedse kunstenares Lina Selander (Stockholm 1973). - Lina Selander's films and installations can read as compositions or thought models, where ideas and conditions are weighed and tested. She examines relationships between memory and perception, photography and film, language and image. The precise, rhythmic editing and use of sound in her films create their own temporality and strong inner pressure. Her works often focus on junctures in history where a system or physical place collapses and something new emerges; narratives of mechanical cinema are juxtaposed with digital video, political or economic systems plummet into something new. Selander's process resembles that of a scientist or poet. Each work constitutes a rich archive of facts and observations, occasionally in dialogue with other films, art or literature, often based on material with a story, such as an over-documented place or an iconic work