Tuesday to Sunday
11 AM - 5 PM

Moving Image

Moving Image

Kholeif, O
Lütticken, S
Bode, S
Bird, R

Kholeif, O
Lütticken, S
Bode, S
Bird, R

Boek; 238 p ill
Serie: Documents of Contemporary Art. - Met bio- en bibliografie
Located in: FILM EN KUNST
VUBIS: 2:100357


Anthologie bevat bijdragen van o.a. kunstenaars, kunsthistorici, kunstenaars en filosofen over het bewegend beeld als fenomeen in de kunstpraktijk en -theorie tegen de achtergrond van de experimentele filmkunst, video- en body art, performance, installlaties en site specific art vanaf de jaren '80. - This anthology examines the expanded field of the moving image in recent art, tracing the genealogies of contemporary moving image work in performance, body art, experimental film, installation, and site-specific art from the 1960s to the present day. Contextualizing new developments made possible by advances in digital and networked technology, it locates contemporary practice within a global framework. Among the issues it examines are how new technologies, forms of apparatus, and modes of editing or framing affect innovations in artistic practice and strategy; how work is defined by local contexts, and the tensions that can arise when the local is represented globally; how we define a 'third space' for the filmic image and whether an installation area can be abstracted from geography; how performance-based work in this field explores bodies as borders or territories; the ways in which political, pedagogical, and collective forms of practice have affected the moving image; and the new platforms and modes of viewing that are evolving in response to the globally distributed condition of contemporary media.