My Work and Me
Kunstenaarsboek belicht de relatie tussen de kunstenaar en zijn werk. Met bijdragen van o.a Yael Bartana, Keren Cytter, Douglas Gordon en Dan Perjovschi. - While wandering through a museum of old masters, one stops time and again and observes: 'This is Rembrandt, that's a Rubens, a Vermeer perhaps?' The work, always identified by the name of the artist, is put in direct connection with them and seems to be perceived as a part of the artist themselves. This relationship between an artist and their work is possibly one of the most difficult, existential, but also fantastic issues which an artist must tackle every day: 'my work and me'. More than 30 artists have been invited to address this question and their answers have included contributions from all genres of art. The diversity of this work reflects various current positions, giving rise to an exciting and highly unusual book - a cross-section of young art