On the Threshold of Beauty : Philips and the origins of Electronic Music in the Netherlands 1925-1965
Publicatie onderzoekt de betekenis van Philips voor de oorsprong van de electronische muziek in Nederland in de periode 1925-1965. Met aandacht voor het pionierswerk van o.a. Henk Badings, Ton de Leeuw, Dick Raaijmakers en Edgar Varèse (i.e. het Philips-paviljoen op de wereldtentoonstellling 1958 te Brussel met Le poème électronique). - Publication an exciting and detailed reconstruction of the emergence of electronic music in the Netherlands : it relates its turbulent history from the earliest beginnings in the mid-1920s through to the postwar era and the emergence of musique concrete. This history begins around 1930 at the Philips Physics Laboratory and the creation of the now-legendary Philips Pavilion at Expo 58 in Brussels. In 1960 Philips divested itself of the laboratory, and it was absorbed into a new studio at Utrecht University. Tazelaar also looks in detail at the influence wielded by the Contact Organization for Electronic Music during this period, and at the work of Dutch electronic pioneers