Salon to Biennial - Exhibitions that made Art History
Anthologie documenteert sleuteltentoonstellingen van de moderne kunstgeschiedenis in de periode 1863-1959, van de Parijse salons tot de Biënnales. Bevat o.a. de tentoonstellingen : Art of this Century (New York, 1942), This is Tomorrow (London, 1956) en The New American Painting (New York, 1959). - Salon to Biennal explores the development of modern art as shown through a series of highly influential group exhibitions. It is a reference book available on the subject, it charts these groundbreaking events in such detail and scope. Volume I opens with the first Salon des Refusés in Paris in 1863, and concludes with the multi-locational international exhibition 'The New American Painting,' organized by the Museum of Modern Art, New York, in 1958