Tuesday to Sunday
11 AM - 5 PM

Sasha Waltz

Sasha Waltz

Weibel, P
Riedel, C
Waltz, Y
Bätzner, N
Hübl, M
Offert, F

Weibel, P
Riedel, C
Waltz, Y
Bätzner, N
Hübl, M
Offert, F

Waltz, Sasha
Boek; 368 p ill
Met lijst werken. - Met bio- en bibliografie
Located in: WALTZ, SASHA
VUBIS: 2:94282


Tent. Karlsruhe, ZKM/ Zentrum für kust und medientechnologie, 28-09-2013, 02-02-2014. - Monografie toont installaties, objecten en performances van de Duitse kunstenares Sasha Waltz (Karlsruhe 1963). - Sasha Waltz is a pioneer of the so-called "turn to the installation". She is expanding the field of the installation to include actions and people. Dance becomes installation and installation becomes action. In the exhibition space, the visitor himself moves "on stage," he is part of the events taking place and has the power to determine his relation to an event or object. The formats between performance and exhibition are in transition