Tuesday to Sunday
11 AM - 5 PM

Talking Contemporary Curating

Talking Contemporary Curating

Smith, T
Groys, B
Enwezor, O

Smith, T
Groys, B
Enwezor, O

Boek; 344 p ill
Serie: ICI Perspectives in Curating ; 2
Located in: CURATOREN
VUBIS: 2:98135


Studie analyseert aan de hand van een breed overzicht nieuwe ontwikkelingen in het hedendaagse curatorische denken. - Since the publication of "Thinking Contemporary Curating" in 2012, art historian Terry Smith has continued his travels through the globalizing art world, talking to curators. The dozen searching conversations in this book provide a vivid sense of contemporary curatorial thought at work. They show curators deeply immersed in thinking about the exigencies of practice, the contexts of exhibition-making, the platforms through which art may be made public, and about what their work can contribute toward understanding what it means to be alive today