Teresa Burga
Tent. Zurich, Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, 26-05-2018, 12-08-2018 ; Hannover, Kestner Gesellschaft, 01-12-2018, 10-02-2019. - Monografie toont een overzicht van het werk van de Peruaanse kunstenares Teresa Burga (Iquitos 1935). - This comprehensive publication provides an overview of her work from the 1960s to the present day: from her landmark installations to her latest series of drawings. Burga's many-faceted oeuvre encompasses paintings and environments in the vein of Pop art, as well as conceptual drawings and cybernetic installations. This broad range of media, formal means, and aesthetic idioms goes hand in hand with a resolute thematic focus: Burga's works are highly detailed protocols of the social realities of their time.With often playful precision, she highlights connections between causes and effects to draw attention to the individual's ability to influence social conditions. As a female exponent of Latin American art, Burga was often ahead of her time.