Tuesday to Sunday
11 AM - 5 PM

The Perpetuation of Site-Specific Installation Artworks in Museums

The Perpetuation of Site-Specific Installation Artworks in Museums

Scholte, T

Scholte, T

Rhoades, Jason
Boek; 267 p ill
Met lijst werken. - Met bio- en bibliografie
VUBIS: 2:105424


Studie analyseert het beheer en behoud van site-specific installaties in musea. Bevat tevens een analyse van het beheer van SLOTO installatie van de Amerikaanse kunstenaar Jason Rhoades en de installatie Drifting Producers van het Zuid-Koreaanse collectief flyingCity in het Van Abbemuseum. - Coll. VAM: Rhoades, Jason, SLOTO - The Secret Life of the Onion, 2002-2003, p. 157-193 tekst ; p. 159, 166, 168, 171, 180 ill. kleur ; flyingCity, Drifting Producers, 2003-2005, p. 195-237 tekst ; p. 196, 202, 206 ill. kleur. - Site-specific installations are created for specific locations and are usually intended as temporary artworks. The Perpetuation of Site-Specific Installation Artworks in Museums: Staging Contemporary Art shows that these artworks consist of more than a singular manifestation and that their lifespan is often extended. In this book, Tatja Scholte offers an in-depth account of the artistic production of the last forty years. With a wealth of case studies the author illuminates the diversity of site-specific art in both form and content, as well as in the conservation strategies applied. A conceptual framework is provided for scholars and museum professionals to better understand how site-specific installations gain new meanings during successive stages of their biographies and may become agents for change in professional routines.