Tuesday to Sunday
11 AM - 5 PM

Thinking Europe

Thinking Europe

Steiner, B
Aguirre, P
Hentzsch, S

Steiner, B
Aguirre, P
Hentzsch, S

Irwin (groepen)
Komarov, Aleksander
Vanmechelen, Koen
Boek; 261 p ill
Located in: EUROPA
VUBIS: 2:87609


Tien curatoren ontwerpen scenario's voor een toekomstig Europa vanuit het perspectief van de hedendaagse kunst Thinking Europe: The Scenario Bookis a curatorial project that aims to construct a representation of the European community from the perspective of the arts. Ten curators from Europe and Asia were asked to participate by contributing three scenarios each -proposals for projects to be implemented in various cities across Europe