Zero to Infinity
Tent. Londen, Tate Modern, 31-05-2001, 19-08-2001; Minneapolis, Walker Art Center, 13-10-2001, 13-01-2002 ; Los Angeles, Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA), 10-03-2002, 11-08-2002 ...[et al.]. - Publicatie over de stroming Arte Povera, met o.a. Piero Gilardi, Luciano Fabro, Mario Merz, Alighiero e Boetti en Giovanni Anselmo. - Zero to Infinity focuses on one of the most innovative and influential art movements of the postwar era. Arte Povera came of age in the context of the ''Italian miracle'' economic boom and the subsequent student and workers revolts of 1968, motivated by an urge to revolt not only against the primacy of painting in the postwar period, but also against the emerging consumer culture. This exhibition and its accompanying catalogue provide a highly comprehensive retrospective of the Arte Povera movement as a historical and aesthetic phenomenon that crossed a wide range of disciplines, including sculpture, installation, drawing, photography, film and performance. The exhibition traces Arte Povera's genesis within the artistic and political context of Italy to its positioning within the broader international context of postwar artistic practices, a moment marked by the participation of the Arte Povera group in the 1972 Documenta Vexhibition in Kassel. This essential new catalogue is designed by the Walker Art Center's award-winning design department, and includes a wide range of essays by international scholars and curators, as well as rare historical documentation, in an unprecedented re-examination of the Arte Povera movement