My Conscience Tormenting Me
Solakov donated this painting in 2013 and wrote the following notes to accompany the work: "Before 1989, the year when the so-called ‘changes’ began, I made two paintings which addressed metaphorically the subject of my work ‘Top Secret’ . One was ‘Repentance’, 1987, that belongs to the National Art Gallery in Sofia. The other is the work in front of you ‘My Conscience Tormenting Me’. At that time it was unthinkable to openly say, draw or paint about the fact that I used to have contact with the Bulgarian Secret Service. I would have been sent to jail.
This painting is very precious to me and my family, but I knew that the best place for this work was with ‘Top Secret’ and the accompanying video. That is why I have decided to donate the painting to Van Abbemuseum. Of course, my conscience is still tormenting me on other, more democratic subjects."
See also the work 'Top Secret' by Solakov on our website.