Tuesday to Sunday
11 AM - 5 PM

New World Summit - Rojava



Jonas Staal

Currently not on display
Acquired in 2016
Inventory number 3357
Dit is een werk van New World Summit in samenwerking met het Democratisch Zelfbestuur van Noord-Syrië. New World Summit is opgericht door Jonas Staal. Tot stand gekomen met steun van het Mondriaan Fonds. This is a work by New World Summit in collaboration with the Democratic Self-Government of North-Syria. New World Summit is founded by Jonas Staal. Established with support of the Mondriaan Fund.

The Van Abbemuseum Collection consists of over 3400 artworks. We publish texts and images on an ongoing basis, but this record is currently in the process of being documented.

If you need specific information on this work or artist, remember that the Van Abbemuseum Library is at your disposal, or feel free to write to the library.


This architectural model, developed in close collaboration with architect Paul Kuipers, shows The People’s Parliament of Rojava. The circular design refers to the agora from ancient Greek democracy, but also to the informal circles in which Rojavan communes practice self-governance. The pillars around the circle mention key terms from the social contract of Rojava, the “constitution” of the autonomous region. The roof consists of fragments of different flags of organizations that play a key role in the revolution of Rojava and its daily self-governance. Around the parliament a public park is created, that strengthens Amina Osse’s idea of a “parliament as a public space.” The People’s Parliament of Rojava is a symbol, a sculpture and an architectural manifesto, as much as it is also a place of day to day political assembly.

Roof Design

This cross-section of the roof of the parliament comprises fragments of flags of different organizations that play key roles within the Rojava Revolution and the daily practice of self-governance in the region, developed in close collaboration with designer Remco van Bladel. The roof also forms an index that provides insight in the different character of each organization. Together these fragments of flags form a visual “democratic confederacy” in which the symbolic stars and suns form an “ideological planetarium,” beneath which the assemblies in the parliament will take place.
