Tuesday to Sunday
11 AM - 5 PM

Texts Kabakov Cabinet

The translations of the Russian and English texts in some works, can be found here

Here Are Those Guys!, 1982

The Rabbits , 1994

Projects of installations, 2010 | In the Communal Kitchen 1991

Projects of installations, 2010 | Concert for a Fly, 1988

Projects of installations, 2010 | Concert for a Fly, 1993

Projects of installations, 2010 | Fly with Wings, 1985-1992

Projects of installations, 2010 | My Homeland, 1991

Projects of installations, 2010 | The Bridge, 1992

Projects of installations, 2010 | The Life of Flies, 1992

Projects of installations, 2010 | Whose Wings Are Those?

Projects of installations, 2010 | He went crazy, undressed and ran away naked, 1990

Projects of installations, 2010 | The Red Pavilion, 1992

Projects of installations, 2010 | Boat of My Life, 1992

Der Wind (Wind), 2003

Die Karaffe (Carafe), 2003

Der Kelch (Chalice), 2003

Der Schlaf (Sleep), 2003

It’s impossible to live on earth, 2000

A low flight above the earth, 2000

Encounter With An Angel, 2000

How Can One Change Oneself?, 2000

The Apple (from group portfolio The Readymade Boomerang), 1900

The Toilet, 1992