Plug In #19
Your Space
Een nieuwe serie tentoonstellingen, presentaties en projecten rond de museumcollectie. Delen van de verzameling zijn te zien in steeds wisselende opstellingen. Conservatoren, gasten en kunstenaars tonen nieuwe aankopen in combinatie met de bestaande collectie en proberen nieuwe visies en presentatiewijzen uit. Voortzetting van Your Space: "Your Space will continue after the end of the project Academy. Learning from the Museum. "For the moment we leave the space as it is with the work of Mårten Spångberg. We will add extra information material about the concept of Your Space, the development as well as the documentation of activities that have been taking place there via artist folders, film screenings and short texts. On the 21st of December (7-9pm) we organize a "feedback" gathering with all the people that have participated at yourspace and people that are interested in the idea and the development of it. In the future Your Space will continue to exist as a platform for staff of the museum, invited artists, artists groups, cultural activists and other institutions in the Eindhoven region and elsewhere for their works and ideas. After selecting these ideas and concepts may be presented in a form of a lecture, exhibition, performance, symposium, discussion, film screening or others. To present these ideas in public we would reserve the Thursday night (7-9pm) at least once a months. During the day time you can see documentation material of what already has been taken place in yourspace. Your Space aims to generate an exchange of knowledge and opinions. A comfortable activation zone is created for discussion, working on a self-organising principle. Feedback is very much part of Your Space" (K. Niemann)