Tuesday to Sunday
11 AM - 5 PM

..en wij ..wie zijn wij..



Toos Nijssen

Currently not on display
Acquired in 2007
Inventory number 2915
met steun van / with support of Mondriaan Fonds & Actieplan Cultuurbereik

The Van Abbemuseum Collection consists of over 3400 artworks. We publish texts and images on an ongoing basis, but this record is currently in the process of being documented.

If you need specific information on this work or artist, remember that the Van Abbemuseum Library is at your disposal, or feel free to write to the library.


In Toos Nijssen’s work the portrait is central, both in drawings and video recordings. In '..en wij ..wie zijn wij..' (..and we ..who are we..) Nijssen researches the question of identity. The included videos were recorded at a weekly market in Woensel, an Eindhoven neighbourhood. People from diverse cultural backgrounds live there. Each participant is seated silently in front of the camera for ten minutes, a meditative process during which they turn in on themselves and ‘arrive at home’ within. Throughout the session everyone’s mask disappears. Nijssen seeks here to create unaffected portraits of people from various cultural backgrounds to highlight that everyone is human, regardless of sex or culture.
