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Art History after Modernism

Art History after Modernism

Belting, H

Belting, H

Boek; 226 p ill
Herz. versie van : The End of the History of Art? uit 1987. - Met index. - Met bibliografie
VUBIS: 2:65383


Studie naar de wijze waarop kunst tegenwoordig wordt gezien, gemaakt en geïnterpreteerd, met de constatering dat de hedendaagse kunst buiten de kunsthistorische canon valt. - Belting here examines how art is made, viewed, and interpreted today. Arguing that contemporary art has burst out of the frame that art history had built for it, Belting calls for an entirely new approach to thinking and writing about art. He moves effortlessly between contemporary issues "the rise of global and minority art and its consequences for Western art history, installation and video art, and the troubled institution of the art museum" and questions central to art history's definition of itself, such as the distinction between high and low culture, art criticism versus art history, and the invention of modernism in art history