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Artwork as Social Model

Artwork as Social Model

Willats, S

Willats, S

Willats, Stephen
Boek; ca. 200 p ill
VUBIS: 2:87382


Handleiding bevat teksten, interviews en projecten van de Britse kunstenaar Stephen Willats (Londen 17-08-1943). Het beschrijft Willats radicale aanpak tot het maken van kunst die het openlijke determinisme van de ons omringende sociale infrastructuur betwist, van de externe architectuur tot de aard van het museum. Publicatie poogt een tool te zijn voor de praktiserende kunstenaar die een andere relatie wil aangaan met de hedendaagse samenleving. - Stephen Willats' art practice addresses contemporary social and cultural issues. His polemic takes ideas beyond the norms and conventions of the object-based art world, to explore possibilities inherent within communal groups. In many of his projects he has collaborated with members of diverse communities in a variety of everyday settings, initiating interventions that build on the richness and complexity of self-organisation to determine and reinforce a sense of identity.The result is a body of artworks with a dynamic, interactive, social function. This manual is intended as a tool for any artist or practitioner looking to find a meaningful relationship with contemporary society. It proclaims, and argues for, a culture that promotes the fluid, transient, relative and complex society from which it stems