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Batia Suter / Parallel Encyclopedia #1

Batia Suter / Parallel Encyclopedia #1

Suter, B
Willems, R

Suter, B
Willems, R

Suter, Batia
Boek; 591 p ill
Serie: Roma Publication ; 100. - Met bibliografie. - 3e dr. - Oorspronkelijke uitgave: 2007
Located in: SUTER, BATIA
VUBIS: 2:105278


Batia Suter’s work intuitively situates found images in new contexts to provoke surprising reactions and significative possibilities. ‘Parallel Encyclopedia’ contains a precise composition of images from other books. Underlying themes of the Amsterdam-based, Swiss artist’s practice are the “iconification” and “immunogenicity” of old images, and the circumstances by which they become charged with new associative values