Dinsdag t/m zondag
11:00 - 17:00 uur

Camille Norment : Rapture

Camille Norment : Rapture

Garcia-Anton, K
Toop, D
Stone, R
Tate, G

Garcia-Anton, K
Toop, D
Stone, R
Tate, G

Norment, Camille
Boek; 3 dl. (130 p.)(135 p.)(135 p.) ill
VUBIS: 2:101372


Tent. Venetië, La Biennale di Venezia, Norwegian pavillion, 09-04-2015, 22-11-2015. - Rapture' is a three-part project consisting of 1) a solo exhibition in the Nordic Pavilion, 2) a series of sonic performances unfolding from physical and referential elements within the installation, and 3), a three-part publication that explores the greater context of the investigation through a variety of essays relating sound to the body and society. Rapture bursts with the potential of rapture. The 'Rapture' project sits with the crossroads of historical trajectories and a zeitgeist reflection upon the current tension of changing and uncertain times. The calmness of the installation environment is itself an enveloping meditation upon the many narratives it houses. Emerging through histories of sound and the body, censorship and repression, national identity, the current suspense of the unknown future in the devastating face of change, 'Rapture' is a state of excitation.'Rapture' relates the quivering of sympathetic vibrations to the tremors of shock waves in a phenomenological and socio-political reflection upon the body and mind’s relationship to trauma, ecstasy and the state of becoming. The body of the pavilion itself is subject to this experience, allowing visitors to witness, and enter within a body suspended in a state of excitation. The body can be potentiated by sound. Composer Arne Nordheim's once said, “Music lives in the realm between poetry and catastrophe," and in 'Rapture', the visitor walks into such a sculptural and sonic installation of conflicting forces, a place torn between poetry and catastrophe, a space between a body in trauma and a body in rapture.