Control Magazine, No. 20

Kunstenaarstijdschrift van Stephen Willats (Londen 17-08-1943) dient als forum voor kunstenaars om hun beroepspraktijk te bediscussiëren als middel voor de vooruitgang van hun opvattingen: kunstenaar versus maatschappij. - Control Magazine is seen as a vehicle for creating networks between artists who are working with people, community and society; artists that are looking for a relevance, a meaning for their art practice within the contemporary social setting.Central to such an engagement with society are the polemics, issues and visions both of the moment and of the future, and it is exactly this that forms the catalyst around which this Issue Twenty has been built.The diverse contexts in which the individual contributing artists are working shows the near universal desire of artists to deal with both wider and local current polemics, interpreted in terms of the actual social and physical environment in which artists are located. Here Control creates a bridge between these practices that would be otherwise isolated from each other. These concerns of the artists here represent a counter consciousness to the general domination of object based thinking in contemporary culture, a counter consciousness that is rarely visible outside the context in which it originated. This issue of Control aims to further the networks between individual practitioners as well as raising their profile through documenting the creation of actual works that have been realised by artists with the participation of other people and communities.