Dinsdag t/m zondag
11:00 - 17:00 uur

Cultural Anthropophagy

Cultural Anthropophagy

Lagnado, L
Lafuente, P
Oliveira, M
Mörsch, C
Seefranz, C
Herkenhoff, P
Fraser, A

Lagnado, L
Lafuente, P
Oliveira, M
Mörsch, C
Seefranz, C
Herkenhoff, P
Fraser, A

Boek; 250 p ill
Met bio- en bibliografie - Serie: Afterall Books ; Exhibition Histories
Located in: BIENNALE; SAO PAULO; 1998
VUBIS: 2:99296


Receptiegeschiedenis documenteert en belicht de 24e Biënnale van São Paulo in 1998. Bevat tevens interviews met enkele deelnemers van de Biënnale. - The 1998 Bienal de São Paulo remade art history from a Brazilian perspective, and presented a new model for exhibition-making in the era of postcolonial globalization. The show employed the Brazilian notion of anthropophagy as both concept and method, encouraging "contamination" and "cannibalization" of the canon. By doing so it proposed a new model for large-scale curatorial projects that could effectively address nonspecialist audiences. Photographs and gallery plans reconstruct this important project