Publicatie met een overzicht van de experimentele visuele en literaire werken van het Dadaïsme in West-Europa, Centraal Europa, Oost-Europa en de Verenigde Staten. Met aandacht voor de ontwikkelingen binnen Neo-Dada (o.a. George Maciunas, Andy Warhol en Allan Kaprow). - Dada developed in distinct periods and locations, providing the structure of the book. From Europe and New York during the First World War it spread to Eastern Europe and Japan in the 1920s. Its re-emergence as Neo-Dada in the 1950s and influence on Fluxus in the 1960s was linked to emigres such as Marcel Duchamp and Hans Richter. International Dada expert Rudolfuenzli surveys Dada in its historical context and examines its significant impact and resonance in art and culture today. Linking visual art, performance and literature, this is a fresh treatement of Dada as the Dadaists saw it. A reassessment of one of the twentieth century's most revolutionary movements in the arts. Works: Each image is accompanied by anxtended caption. The book is organized chronologically and geographically round major explosions of Dada activity. From its inception in Zurich during the First World War, we follow Dada to New York, Berlin, Hannover, Cologne, Paris, Central and Eastern Europe, and Japan, finally looking at Neo-Dada