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11:00 - 17:00 uur

Grasping the World

Grasping the World

White, H
Carruthers, M
Krauss, R

White, H
Carruthers, M
Krauss, R

Boek; 779 p ill
Met bibliografie
VUBIS: 2:66827


Bundel essays waarin wordt ingegaan op de functie van musea om te komen tot formulering van een kritische opvatting en een begrippenkader dat is gebaseerd op een historisch en ethisch begrip van hun ontstaansgeschiedenis en hun oorsprong. - There is much more to museums than the documenting, monumentalizing, or theme-parking of identity, history and heritage. This landmark anthology aims to make strange the very existence of museums and to plot a critical, historical and ethical understanding of their origins and history. A radical selection of key texts introduces the reader to the intense investigation of the modern European idea of the museum that has taken place over the last fifty years. Texts first published in journals and books are brought together in one volume with up-to-the-minute and specially commissioned pieces by leading administrators, curators and art historians. The selections are organized by key themes that map the evolution of the debate and are introduced by Donald Preziosi and Claire Farago, two considerable critics, who write with the edge and enthusiasm of art historians who have spent their lives working with museums. Grasping the World is an invaluable resource for students and teachers of art history and museum studies.