Harun Farocki
Tent. Bregenz, Kunsthaus Bregenz, 23-10-2010, 09-01-2010. - Monografie toont een overzicht van de video- en filminstallaties van de kunstenaar en documentairemaker Harun Farocki (Neututschein 01-09-1944) This publication brings together knowledgeable essays on the work of political filmmaker/artist Harun Farocki by internationally renowned authors.While Jan Verwoert affords a fundamental introduction to Farocki's work, the discussion between Yilmaz Dziewior and Harun Farocki focuses on the installation in Kunsthaus Bregenz. Extracts from Farocki's diary, many of which are thus far unpublished, round off the publication. The exhibition spans the period from 1968 to the present and for the first time in Europe shows three videoinstallations that, with the support of the KUB, were created especially for this occasion and form part of the series Serious Games. For these new video installations, which each last eight minutes, Farocki shot footage in military facilities in the USA and combined these sequences with material from computer simulations. Reminiscent of computer games, these programs are used by soldiers to practice for real emergency situations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and potential crisis zones