Tent. Berlijn, Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst, 21-10-1995, 26-11-1995 ; Haus am Kleistpark, 22-10-1995, 26-11-1995. - No understanding of Radical — as opposed to market-oriented art — is possible without background information on NO!art, it occupies the strategic juncture where artistic production and socio-cultural action meet….seminal works [date] from about 1955 and individual later works dealing with "Women's Liberation," the new antisemitism, postrevolutionary violence, postrevolutionary sadomasochism are included. The origins of NO!art sprout from the Jewish experience, struck root in the world's largest Jewish community, New York, a product of armies, concentration camps, Lumpenproletariat artists. Its targets are the hypocritical intelligentsia, capitalist culture manipulation, consumerism, American and other Molochs. Their aim total unabashed self-expression in art leading to social involvement. Collective confrontation artists as early as the Peace Demonstrations of 1961-62. No lighthearted Duchampesque Dadaists, Neodadaists, or "pop-artists"; no consumerism's middle class nor Nouveau Riche Liberals' neuter background makers 5,