Not For Sale : Feminism and Art in the USA during the 1970s
Tent. New York, Apex Art, 12-02-1998, 14-03-1998. - Video essay van Laura Cottingham met muziek van Yoko Ono over feminisme en beeldende kunst in de Verenigde Staten tijdens de jaren '70. Bevat bijdragen van ongeveer 100 beeldende kunstenaars : o.a. Janine Antoni, Cheryl Dune, Ava Gerber, Sue Williams, Lynne Yamamoto, Mimi Smith, Howardena Pindell, Miriam Schapiro, Suzanne Lacy, Joan Semmel, Hannah Wilke en Joan Jonas. - A video essay uses primary footage to document the stories, challenges and acheivements of the women who, in the 1970s, attempted to transform the underlying tenets of fine art of fine art beyond terms dictated by a sexist ideology. Includes over 100 visual artists