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11:00 - 17:00 uur

Omega's Eyes

Omega's Eyes

Nielsen, T
Dumas, M
Bouazza, H

Nielsen, T
Dumas, M
Bouazza, H

Dumas, Marlene
Daniëls, René
Munch, Edvard
Boek; 192 p ill
Met lijst werken. - Met biografie
Located in: DUMAS, MARLENE
VUBIS: 2:102039


Tent. Moonrise, Marlene Dumas & Edvard munch, Oslo, Munch Museum, 29-09-2018, 13-01-2019. Publicatie bij de tentoonstellling plaatst het werk van de kunstenares Marlene Dumas in juxtapositie met Edvard Munch. De Nederlandse kunstenaar René Daniëls fungeert tegen deze achtergrond als "gast-ster". - Publication juxtaposes the work of two artists: the South African–born, Netherlands-based painter Marlene Dumas and the Norwegian artist Edvard Munch (1863–1944). Organized by Dumas, the project stems from her longstanding, personal connection to the works of Munch. The book focuses particularly on Munch’s 1908–9 series of lithographs titled Alpha and Omega and on a new series of works by Dumas titled Venus & Adonis. Both series deal with themes of innocence, sexuality, loneliness, anxiety, and death, and each is structured around a love story. Through this book, Dumas shows us how she perceives Munch not simply as an emotional expressionist, but rather as an intelligent artist thoughtfully reflecting on human conditions in general. - Coll. VAM: Dumas, Marlene, Genetiese Heimwee, 1984, p. 56 ill. kleur ; The View, 1992, p. 95 ill. kleur