Dinsdag t/m zondag
11:00 - 17:00 uur

Rémy Zaugg

Rémy Zaugg

Hontoria, J
Schmidt, E
Croix, M de

Hontoria, J
Schmidt, E
Croix, M de

Zaugg, Rémy
Boek; 216 p ill
Met lijst werken. - Met bio- en bibliografie
Located in: ZAUGG, REMY
VUBIS: 2:99141


Tent. Siegen, Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen, 01-11-2015, 06-03-2016 ; Madrid, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, 07-04-2016, 28-08-2016. - Monografie toont een overzicht van het werk van de Zwitsers conceptuele kunstenaar Rémy Zaugg, met het accent op zijn onderzoek naar de taal en perceptie als medium van de toeschouwer. - The exhibition's title The Question of Perception is in reference to the artist's concerns with exploring language and perception as a medium for activating the spectator. Zaugg's fascination with the materialisation of language and its phenomenological implications, his analyses of architecture and urbanism, and his practical-theoretical reflections around the presentation of the artwork are key to understanding the full extent of his work. The exhibition also shines a spotlight on the tautological nature of Zaugg's oeuvre, visible in his early work on Cézanne, or his investigations into perspective developed in the 1970s, for instance. The importance of the act of seeing, or not, of witnessing or concealing, of perceiving or going unnoticed advances a conceptual and physical experience, bolstered by the use of colour and typography, and by repeated messages that flow unhampered in the here and now