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Saints, Scholars, and Schizophrenics

Saints, Scholars, and Schizophrenics

Scheper-Hughes, N

Scheper-Hughes, N

Boek; (XXVIII, 390 p.) ill
Met bibliografie. - Herz. en verm. ed. - Oorspronkelijke uitgave: 1977
Located in: IERLAND
VUBIS: 2:99719


Studie over de sociale disintegratie en de psychiatrische gevolgen van Ballybran, een dorp in Ierland. - Study tracing the social disintegration of "Ballybran," a small village on the Dingle Peninsula in Ireland. This book explores the symptoms of the community's decline: emigration, malaise, unwanted celibacy, damaging patterns of childrearing, fear of intimacy, suicide, and schizophrenia. Following a recent return to "Ballybran," Scheper-Hughes reflects in a new preface and epilogue on the well-being of the community and on her attempts to reconcile her responsibility to honest ethnography with respect for the people who shared their homes and their secrets with her