Tijdschrift voor Kunst en Cultuur, verzorgd door studenten Kunstgeschiedenis en Algemene Cultuurwetenschappen van de Universiteit van Amsterdam met als doel een kennismaking en uitwisseling van onderzoeksresultaten, artikelen en vakliteratuur tot stand te brengen. - “Practicing Exposure” is a collaborative project between Simulacrum and FIBER, an Amsterdam based organisation, dedicated to present and initiate artistic productions at the intersection of audiovisual art, digital culture and electronic music. This year, FIBER started the ongoing research project “Cartographies of the Vanishing Now”, in which artists, designers and researchers explore the potential of sensory art and alternative cartographic methods to remap reality in the age of environmental collapse. “Practicing Exposure” is part of this ongoing discussion on how to relate to an increasingly unstable and precarious existence in the face of a climate emergency. - Met o.a. de Deense kunstenares Sissel Marie Tonn