Tijdschrift voor Kunst en Cultuur, verzorgd door studenten Kunstgeschiedenis en Algemene Cultuurwetenschappen van de Universiteit van Amsterdam met als doel een kennismaking en uitwisseling van onderzoeksresultaten, artikelen en vakliteratuur tot stand te brengen. - Theme: re[kin]dling. To re[kin]dle is to relight a fire, but also to revitalise, reinvent, and rejuvenate what was lost in the flames. It is to burn as much as it is to nurture, and learning exactly how to burn in order to nurture. Like fire, restoring a bond is unstable and elusive work – the contributors of this issue do not shy away from this labour. Asking questions about love, kinship, memory, knowledge and landscapes, they present ideas of re[kin]dling that heterogeneously spring forth from their writing and practices.