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11:00 - 17:00 uur

Sturm-Frauen : Künstlerinnen der Avantgarde in Berlin 1910-1932 = Storm Women : Women Artists of the Avant-Garde in Berlin 1910-1932

Sturm-Frauen : Künstlerinnen der Avantgarde in Berlin 1910-1932 = Storm Women : Women Artists of the Avant-Garde in Berlin 1910-1932

Pfeiffer, I
Hollein, M
Subotic, I
Syring, M
Hille, K

Pfeiffer, I
Hollein, M
Subotic, I
Syring, M
Hille, K

Delaunay, Sonja
Gontscharowa, Natalia
Lasker-Schüler, Else
Münter, Gabriele
Walden, Nell
Exter, Alexandra
Klinker, Emmy
Boek; 400 p ill
Met lijst werken
Located in: STURM, DER
VUBIS: 2:101913


Tent. Frankfurt, Schirn Kunsthalle, 30-10-2015, 07-02-2016. - Groepstentoonstelling over het netwerk van vrouwen rondom het tijdschrift en de galerie Der Sturm te Berlijn, die onder leiding van de galeriehouder Herwarth Walden functioneerde als spreekbuis en expositieruimte van het Duitse expressionisme en de groepen Die Brücke en Der Blaue Reiter. - Der Sturm signalled the awakening in modern art. Founded as a journal for the promotion of Expressionist art by Herwarth Walden in 1910, the name quickly became the trademark of a complete movement. Lesser known is that Walden also showcased numerous female artists. It is to them that the current publication is dedicated, which with nearly 300 artworks gathers together female proponents of, among others, Expressionism, Cubism, and New Objectivity: The art trends of the early twentieth century from a female perspective.